09:00-12:30. Future of digital statistical reporting

Welcome words.

Plenary presentations:

Panel. Moderator: Michal Piechocki, Eurofiling Foundation Board

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 11:25

AuditoriumJuan-Alberto Sánchez, ECBDPM Refit and IReF: Working together
Breakout 1Massimo Casa, BdIStandardization and granularity in the future of regulatory reporting

11:30 – 11:55

AuditoriumVincent Le Moal-Joubel, BdFBanque de France plans and recent innovations around statistical data
Breakout 1Francis Gross, ECBMeasuring the economy: what future in the digital age?

12:00 – 12:25

AuditoriumFlorian Schuster, ECBESCB Integrated Reporting Framework (IReF)
Breakout 1Arjan Bos, ECBValue of a Logical Data Model

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch


Welcome words.

Plenary presentations:

Panel with Radu Burghelea (EBA), Fernando Wagener (ECB) and Daniel Pérez (EIOPA) on data collection and analysis. Moderator: Paul Hulst, Eurofiling Foundation Board.

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 – 15:55

AuditoriumFayaaz Adalat, PwCUnlocking the potential of Machine Readable and Executable Reporting (MRER)
Breakout 1Panel of vendorsChallenges posed by DPM Refit for software products.
Breakout 2Different vendorsRapid fire session 1: AscOne, BR-AG & Semansys

16:00 – 16:25

AuditoriumKarla McKenna, GLEIF Organizational Identity and Organizational Credentials – the vLEI
Breakout 1Stephanie Hingston, BoE.Plans of the Bank of England on supervisory technologies and innovations
Breakout 2Different vendorsRapid fire session 2: CoreFiling, Generation Impact Global & Regnology

16:30 – 16:55

AuditoriumJavier Rojas, BdEThe present and future of XBRL reporting for Banco de España
Breakout 1Paul Warren, XBRL Int. and Mark Goodhand, CoreFilingInnovations in XBRL formula validation
Breakout 2Different vendorsRapid fire session 3: Fujitsu, Invoke, Workiva

  • Panel of vendors on the implementation of DPM Refit in software products.
    Moderator: Bartosz Ochocki, BR-AG.
    Mark Goodhand, Corefiling
    Martin DeVille, UBPartner
    Sebastian Lewicki, Fujitsu
    Clément Duhamel, Invoke
    Seymon Chertkov, AMANA

15:30 – 16:55 Rapid fire slots on innovations (7 minutes each)

15:30 – 15:55

16:00 – 16:25

16:30 – 16:55

20:00 Networking dinner

Galicisches Zentrum (Centro Gallego) Restaurant
Time to relax, turning colleagues into friends. Fixed cost 60€, settled at the entrance. Drinks included.
An d. Staufenmauer 14. Frankfurt city center. Konstablerwache Subway Station, next block at South.